
Love messages for married couples , Expressions of love for wife and husband

If a person loves, he sees the world around him as beautiful. He feels happy in every vein of his body. He feels confident in himself and forgets,All the moments of abuse that happened in his life, but love is only sweet by expressing it. Not a day goes by that he does not tell his wife that he loves her. One time he wrote it on the pillow and another time he sent it in a message on the phone. No matter how different the means of expressing love are, in the end love exists.

The most beautiful words of love for couples

There are people who are difficult to forget because we have drawn them in our hearts, and no matter how far they are from us, our eyes will always see them.

  • I’m the luckiest girl in the world to be your wife.
  • If love is lost, you are the guide, and if the heart dies, you are the alternative, and the word love in your love is few.
  • It is true that my eyes are far from you and my contacts are not many, but your comfort in my heart is certain.
  • It is easy to die for you, but it is difficult to live without you. It is easy to love you, but it is difficult to forget you.
  • A four-letter word, a word that defies circumstances, a word from an eager heart, saying it without eclipse (I love you).
  • I decide my position: If loving you is my mistake, then I am sorry for repeating my mistake.
  • You have two roses in the evening, a rose that says good evening and a rose that says it is impossible to forget you.
  • I’m afraid to look into your eyes and I’m longing and burning to see you.
  • If the whole world was cruel, I would know you have a tender heart, but if your heart was hard, where would I be in all this world?
  • Sometimes I see that life is not worth a smile, but your smile is always my being.
  • It is easy for a person to forget himself.. but it is difficult to forget a soul that resides within himself!
  • If human blood is red, then your blood is a piece of amber, and everyone who is near you will smell the perfume and be perfumed.
  • What is the trick of the thirsty when the cup is broken? What can the longing person have other than sending the letters?
  • I wish to be the star of Samak.. a whisper of your recovery.. a candle of good evening.. but you stay with me and I am with you.
  • I congratulate my heart with your love and the patience of my eyes in your distance, and I say that you are the light of my eyes, so that I may sacrifice my soul for your heart.
  • The sweetest message to the sweetest angel I sent to you, and I beg you to remember me and I will not forget you.

Expressions of love about spouses

Whenever your heart hurts… my heart contracts, and whenever you are exposed to harm… my heart contracts, and whenever sadness seeps into you… my heart contracts, and whenever you get sick… my heart contracts, and whenever you groan (ah)… my heart contracts, and whenever my heart contracts…. I prayed to God that you would be well.

  • If I could give you my heart to tell you how much I love and adore you, I would take it off my chest and give it to you as a simple gift for you.
  • I am poor in love. I only have my words and my longings. I can give them to you on your happiest days to express to you the extent of my love and appreciation for you.
  • No matter how long I wait, I will still love you in silence and my soul yearns to see you, my tears fade as I hope to extinguish your fire, and my night grows dark as it desires the sun of your brilliance to appear.
  • I sent the moon to illuminate your path, I sent the sun to illuminate your life, I sent my heart to be your companion, and I sent my soul to be your portion.
  • If days do not bring us together, memories may bring us together, and if memories do not bring us together, hearts will bring us together, and if hearts do not bring us together, our souls will remain in the covenant.
  • Your light blinded me, so you became a light for me. Your voice silenced me, so you became a whisper to me. Your love tired me, so you became a medicine for me. Your distance exhausted me, so you became my relative. I wished for my death, so you became my life.
  • I love you and I love your voice I love you and I love your whisper I love you and I love your heart I love you and I love your name I love you and I love your love I love you and I love your eyes with the word sincerity, all of you are sweet.
  • We have no power over…our hearts beat for whomever they want, whenever they want…however they want.
  • A day will come when we will forgive those who caused us pain, because the happiness they brought us Our lives are much greater than that pain.
  • When your eyes shed tears from the intensity of separation, you are sure that you have reached the utmost levels of love.

WhatsApp status messages for couples

I adore you and I love being with you and feeling the warmth of your embrace, my love. You are the sun that illuminates my life and gives it light and makes it more beautiful. I love you madly, my soul mate.

  • Your eyes, my husband, contain love like the earth’s love for rain.
  • My husband, you are the most precious thing to me in this life, and you are the equivalent of a soul. I love you, adore you, and belong to you.
  • May God give you a beautiful world close to you. May God protect you, my life partner.
  • My beloved husband, you are in the apple of my eye and live at the beat of my heart.
  • My husband is my beloved and my prince whom life gave me, and you were the most beautiful gifts.
  • I will continue to love you endlessly and until love ceases to exist, so that you will be my most beautiful memories.

Love messages for husband before bed

My dear husband, I see in your eyes the wealth over others and people, and in your closeness, sufficiency in everything. There is nothing more wonderful than you and nothing makes me happier with your presence with me.

  • You will always find me beside you and behind you with every step you take. I will be with you hand in hand forever.
  • I have the greatest men… my husband, my lover, my friend, my security, and my comfort. Oh God, protect my dear husband for me.
  • I loved someone who was like the entire universe. My beloved husband is my entire world.
  • Oh God, protect my husband for me and the light of my eyes. Oh Lord, make his days as beautiful and tender as the beauty of his pure heart. Oh Lord, may
  • He gave me happiness, so give him sustenance. Oh God, make us the apple of each other’s eyes, O Lord of the worlds.
  • When I see you, I feel like the whole world is a treasure for me, of happiness and joy, my beloved husband. I love being with you every moment of my life and every day until the end.
  • To my beloved husband, my Lord, make his heart always beat only with my love, and make me the apple of his eye and the warmth of his life, until the end of his life.
  • May God keep me happy with the presence of my dear husband. My Lord, I entrusted him to you, so protect him and make him happy, O listener and responder.

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